Mamas Versunkener ApfelkuchenMy Mom's Sunken Apple Cake (sounds really weird writing this in English) always was one of my favourite cakes and one of the first cakes...
A glimpse into my Capsule Wardrobe - Spring 2019Get a glimps into my Capsule Wardrobe and how I tackled to whole topic for the first time.
My Self Care RoutineIt was time that I’ve updated my Self Care spread in my Bullet Journal. A few years back I started having a Self-Care spread in my Bullet...
3 Things My Bullet Journal ChangedLet's just start by writing about why I'm doing this blogpost. I was writing a decription for an Instagram post the other day where I've...
Hand Lettering Workshop - What to expectI'm really excited for the next few months and the next few workshops! I truly enjoy working with so many different people and to spark...