We're almost living a year in our apartement and I think I'm at a point where I can say we're settled in. There still are some shelving issues but mostly where done and happy. I thought I'll do a few blog post about my favourite bits and bops around here.
My favourite room in our apartement is our living room. Mainly because it has my little but pretty desk and our huge book shelve in it. It's such a lovely, light filled room and we spend our down time mostly here, reading, chatting and watching some Netflix (of course).
We first wanted to have our both desk in our home office, which was nice, we could both listen to the same audio book while working both on our own projects but I always moved my desk into the living room. I just love spending time here and I love whatch the people on the street while working and here I could move the desk to the window where it's just perfect. I mean, look at it.

My desk, chair and almost all of our furniture is from Ikea and I pair it all with little pieces I find in the lovely home decor stores or flee markets all over Zurich.
Susanna who is the owner from the beautiful Atelier Sochor had for 17 years a beautiful little Shop at Morgartenstrasse in Zurich. I love going in there in my lunch break or on my way home just for a little stroll or chat with the lovely, charming Susanna. After the closure of her store (her landlord wanted another take away in it) she luckely opened a Online Store which you'll find HERE. Susanna still has a display of here shop items at Kramer Coiffeur at Morgartenstrasse.

One of my favourite decors are the beautiful simple frames from MADAM STOTZ that I bought when Susanna still had her Shop open at Morgartenstrasse in Zurich. I filled them with flowers that have some meaning to me. Remainder of the first flowers S. gave me, camomile that grew wild on my balcony on my last apartement, lavendar from S. that grew on his balcony from his last apartement, a branch I used as decor for my first party invitations I designed on my own, flowers I got for my 30th birthday and there is still one frame to fill. They can be empty and still look SO pretty.
wooden locomotive:
I bought the wood locomotive at the flee market that is every Saturday at Kanzlei. You'll find the most amazing things there, thing you'll actually need and a lot of things you just think you'll need in your life because they're so pretty, ergo the wooden locomotive. I originally bought them for my nephew, even though at that point he still was a little too young to play with it. There was this couple, sneaking around it and I so hoped they didn't buy it before me. When they left for a minute, I just bought it, it was 10.-, I couldn't say no. So I left the flee market, proud as a peacock, thinking I bought the perfect present for my nephew. I got home, S. saw it and didn't want to give it away anymore. He put it there on the windowsill and he's right, it looks like it always wanted to be there. So my nephew had unknowingly compromised that he can play with it when he's here and he has gotten a present that was more new born baby appropriate.