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How To Improve Your Handlettering

Practicing your handettering is crucial to improvement. Your muscles need to remember how your hand needs to lead the pen to get the results you want. After a while it can get a little dull to have millions of paper sheets all over your working space with random lettering on it. That's why I love to put simple things I've lettered in simple wooden frames. As soon as I put my sheet of paper in the frame, a simple sentence or even just a word becomes art. If you keep this art in your frame for a while before you change it out again, it's a great way to actually see your improvement.

I've used:

- A5, wooden frame (I've found mine at Sostrene Grene for about 6.-)

- 170g/m2 Handlettering paper

- pencile

- ink fineliner (0.1, 0.3 and 0.5 tip)

- small brush pen (I've used the Pentel Fude Touch Sign Pen)

I always do a pencil grid on my paper so my lettering or drawing is easier to layout. Yes this extra step is a pain in the a** and takes up a lot of time but it's such a necessary step to take. I often find some inspiration on Pinterest or Instagram and I sketch out with pencil what I would like to draw or write. Also and extra step that helps improve your lettering. You can concentrate on your technique and don't have to worry about placement or if the spelling is right. Look for a word you like to write, maybe because can write the letters of the word in an easy flow or just because you like the word. If you're not sure about a letter or if you'd like to try out the word in brushlettering, use the back of an old envelope (those will become your best friends btw). In the beginning, lettering might take a lot of concentration but it will get easier very fast, I promise.

If you're just starting out with handlettering, don't get discouraged if your writing isn't as flowing and round as you see it on Social Media. Starting out with smaller Brush Pen tips that are not too flimsy help in the beginning.

Pens I recommend for beginners:

- Edding Brush Pen

- Pentel Fude Touch Sign Pen

Having a good set of Ink Fineliners is great for adding different styles of handlettering and will help you out with little corrections on your brushlettering. Ink Fineliner can also be use for faux-lettering which can be a great way to cheat with difficult words to letter.

You don't need every single colour of every pen if you start out. Try the black colour of different brands to see what suits you the best.

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