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6 Simple DIY Steps For Minimalistic Picture Frames
I love to do little DIY's for our appartement and I fell in love with all the minimalistic picture frames I've seen all over the interior...

Living Room
We're almost living a year in our apartement and I think I'm at a point where I can say we're settled in. There still are some shelving...

My Bullet Journal
My Bullet Journal is my most favourite hobby. Not only because it's such a creative way to organize your life, I learned that the...

How to start a Bullet Journal in 5 simple steps?
The fun thing about a Bullet Journal is, how fast you learn if a layout is working for you or not. It doesn't matter if you like to plan...

10 Steps to travel without anxiety
My 10 steps to travel without anxiety Travelling the world isn't always the easiest thing for me because I really need a routine in my...
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